Niebieskookie kozy |
Ale chyba nie u wszystkich koni i kóz niebieskie oczy są wadą? Np konie cygańskie mają często niebieskie oczy i to chyba ich nie dyskwalifikuje z hodowli? EcoGypsy ma te konie - piękna rasa, a z niebieskimi oczami to już powala. O niebieskich ślepiach u kóz: "Unlike the case in humans, blue eyes in goats are dominant. Because the blue eyes are dominant, a blue-eyed goat bred to a brown-eyed goat can produce blue-eyed kids. Two brown-eyed goats bred together cannot produce blue-eyed kids. A blue eyed goat can be homozygous for blue eyes, meaning it will only produce blue eyed offspring regardless of it's mate. Both of this goat's parents would have had to be blue eyed in order to have that chance of producing a homozygous blue eyed kid. In very rare cases there have been several reports of a nigerian having one blue eye and one brown eye. It's extremely rare. Blue eyes do not cause any health issues. No, your goat will not have trouble with blindness or hearing issues because of their blue eyes." |